Tuesday, December 29, 2020

2020 IS OVER

2020 is over, only 48 hours more and we reached the end of a year, of which we all said that it would be the best 20 and 20 ... and we are still all as if we were in a kind of Tsunami, already calmed down, which has left on the shore of a deserted beach and we don't really know where we are ...

2020 is over, only 48 hours more and we reached the end of a year, of which we all said that it would be the best 20 and 20 ... and we are still all as if we were in a kind of Tsunami, already calmed down, which has left on the shore of a deserted beach and we don't really know where we are ...

Well, like everything in life, it has its other side ... I am here writing these lines and I do not want to fall into a standard apology, where to say, that everything will be better, that we have to look optimistically to the future, that everything will change ... .my thought in this year that is ending is rather different ... I think not of why what has happened has happened, but why it has happened ... what meaning beyond the transcendental, it has had, has and will have this pandemic, virus or whatever you want to call it. My reflection goes to my inner self, to the personal, to what it has taken from me, to what it has contributed to me, to what person I am now, perhaps not very different from the one who started the year, but more intense, to the inner strength that it has given me, to remove some fears and to have more empathy, to be very clear about what I like, what I want and what I really want, to know that my work is still my passion, and that passion It will be what makes this new year 2021, it seems even a futuristic number, get those ruins and those stones that are part of our history, that we rehabilitate with so much love and passion, serve as joy, projects and illusions of all the new people we are going to meet this year .... We wish you a good year, a full year, an honest year, a perfect year, a better year, a positive year, in short, a year full of virtues and no defects. Happy New Year from all the team that make up Cottage Properties